Since October 2017 Moving Experience is offering quality teaching at the Newland Village Room. In order to support this charming venue I did my first Newland Village Room Charity Event 2017 on Sunday 3rd December 2017.
On that day several people took the chance to try out Argentine Tango and The Feldenkrais Method.
We raised £62 for the Newland village room on Sunday, 3rd December 2017 at the Open House Charity Event.
The schedule of the Open House Charity Event [3/12/17]:
- 11-12 Introduction to Argentine tango
- 12-13 Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method – Relaxing your shoulders
- 15-16 Introduction to Argentine tango
- 16-17 Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method – Improve your balance
Tango in Newland
Are you interested in learning Argentine Tango or you wanna get better at it?
Why not joining us on Tuesdays at The Newland Village Room.
More about…
The Feldenkrais Method in Newland
The Feldenkrais Method® lets you experience your own potential by exploring your body through gentle movements. You can improve your movements and (re)gain comfort and ease. It is named after its originator, Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), an engineer and physicist as well as a Judo teacher.
You don’t need to bring a partner.
Why not joining us on Wednesdays mornings or evenings at The Newland Village Room.
More about…
Newland Village Room,
GL16 8NP,

There are only 2 parking spaces available at the Newland Village Room. Try to park along the street close to the hall or considerately down in the village! Plan enough time to park your car. 🙂
Contact Bärbel Rücker
- WhatsApp – 07474 612701
- info (at) movingexperience (dot) eu