Guild certified Feldenkrais Practitioner Bärbel Rücker, Moving Experience offers Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) workshops online as well as in The Forest of Dean, across the UK and abroad.

Weekend workshops

These Feldenkrais workshops are for those of you who:

  • have trouble coming to my “regular” Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes,
  • want more than one weekly Feldenkrais class,
  • are curious to find out more about The Feldenkrais Method and
  • for people who want to take control of feeling better.

Workshops with Bärbel Rücker [Moving Experience]

These workshops are organised by Moving Experience:

The following Tango & Feldenkrais workshops are in cooperation with other tango organisers in the UK and Germany:

Listen to the ConmotoPetersen Podcast : Feldenkrais & Tango – a good combination?.  I am talking about my passions and give a FREE Feldenkrais class.

Check out the blog posts below. Join us and get in touch via email info@movingexperience.eu to book your space(s).

Keep me informed about upcoming workshops.