Newland Village Room Charity Event 2018

Newland Village Room Charity Event 2018

After the successful first Newland Village Room Charity Event 2017, we will do it again. On Saturday, 16th June 2018 you’ll have the chance to find out more about my Tango & Feldenkrais activities in Newland at the Newland Village Room Charity Event 2018. Schedule Newland Village Room Charity Event The schedule for the 2nd Newland … Read more

Hereford Tango Group Classes

Hereford Tango with Bärbel Rücker

UPDATE [2019] –  There are no Hereford Tango Group Classes on Monday at the moment! I have been teaching the Monday Tango Classes from September 2016 until July 2018! The weekly Hereford Tango Classes have been organised by Jim Didlick. — Weekly Tango Classes with Bärbel Rücker at Hereford Tango. Mondays at Breinton Village Hall, Hereford. My Tango … Read more

The Magic Roundabout Milongas 2018

The Magic Roundabout Milongas

Four years ago I became a part of the Magic Roundabout Milongas team. Since then there have been Magic Roundabout (MR) Milongas in Bristol (Almondsbury), Tidenham Chase, Kington Langley and Lydney.  In 2018 I am looking forward to teach the FREE Tango Practica before the Sunday Service Milongas in Lydney and to DJ on different occasions … Read more

Tanzbar is now Moving Experience

Tanzbar is now Moving Experience.

Tanzbar v/Bärbel Rücker is now offering even more than just tango! Therefore i have decided to change the name Tanzbar to Moving Experience ( For a while will kept online and you can find information on my work as a tango teacher and tango DJ in the years between 2008-2017. [UPDATE 5/6/2019: The website … Read more

Newland Village Room Charity Event 2017

Charity Event Newland 2017

Since October 2017 Moving Experience is offering quality teaching at the Newland Village Room. In order to support this charming venue I did my first Newland Village Room Charity Event 2017 on Sunday 3rd December 2017.  On that day several people took the chance to try out Argentine Tango and The Feldenkrais Method. We raised … Read more