Since 2017 I am sharing my knowledge about The Feldenkrais Method® in private classes, group settings and online. The Feldenkrais Method® lets you experience your own potential by exploring your body through gentle movements. You can improve your movements and (re)gain comfort and ease.
The 4 years of the professional Feldenkrais Practitioner Training I attended in Switzerland (Bern II) with Angelica Feldmann as educational director and I am now a UK guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner.
To keep myself up to date, I regularly participate in advanced Feldenkrais Trainings in Europe. As much as possible I am joining the daily Feldenkrais practitioner study-group “An AY a Day” for my own development. Being a student myself helps me to relate better to my students and keeps me grounded.
I am looking forward to explore the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method with you.
After more than 20 years in Argentine tango (dancing, teaching & DJ’ing) the fascination of the improvised dance, the connection between the dancers and the music and the music itself has only become stronger.
With Moving Experience I combine my passion for Argentine Tango with The Feldenkrais Method.
Bärbel Rücker is Moving Experience
A few years ago I moved from Denmark to the UK and I am currently based in the the Forest of Dean. I was traveling frequently around Europe for Tango & Feldenkrais. Since March 2020 Moving Experience is concentrating on teaching Feldenkrais online on Zoom and DJ’ing at our online Sunday Social.
The team members of Moving Experience

Bärbel Rücker
OwnerMoving Experience is Bärbel Rücker. Passionate about Argentine Tango and The Feldenkrais Method. She loves Tango DJ’ing as much as teaching and a life without dancing tango is unthinkable. Co-organiser at The Magic Roundabout Milongas.

Paul Strudwick
Partner, OrganiserThe organiser & regular DJ at the Magic Roundabout Milongas. A BBC trained freelance sound engineer specialising in radio outside broadcasts and music recording.
Creates his own high quality transfers from 78rpm records. Founder of the popular Facebook group “The Tango Now Playing in My Head Is …“

Mr. Who
Team memberSince 2019 Mr. Who is a valuable team member. He is helping me to explain the bony structures of our skeleton. So far he has no social media presence but joins me in my online classes.

Suzuki VanSince the end of 2017 I am the happy owner of Leslie my little yellow Suzuki Van from 1986. Probably the only one of its kind on the road here in the UK.
We are wandering around in the Forest of Dean and attacking the hilly roads. With him I was making the transition from the European road system to the left side of the road. Normally we are never alone on the roads. Without him I couldn’t have started teaching all my regular Feldenkrais and Tango classes nor reached my little studio at Taurus Crafts (2019-2020) either.