Sheffield here I come! This time it is not for DJ’ing at the monthly milonga Cambalache but for teaching & DJ’ing at the 1st Tango Festival in Sheffield. I am very much looking forward to DJ the opening night milonga at the The Sheffield Tango Festival and to present the power of the Feldenkrais Method in my two Tango & Feldenkrais workshops on Saturday & Sunday!

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I am looking forward to return to Sheffield’s monthly milonga Cambalache after my first visit in April 2018. It was a great surprise to be able to teach together with Felipe Slimobich from Argentina a musicality workshop.
In December 2018 I will present one of my special technique workshops ‘Tweaking Your Tango’ before the milonga. This will enable you to enjoy my music even better.
The monthly milonga ‘Cambalache‘ is organised by Anna Jorgensen & Angie Lawrence.
Monthly Milonga Cambalache
Come and dance at this friendly, welcoming milonga with home made empanadas.
We are warming up with a special workshop ‘Tweaking your Tango’ with Bärbel Rücker. She is a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner and with her knowledge about learning and the body the tango lessons become much more than that and reflect back into your daily life.

Delicious dynamics – how to add flavours to you dance.
In this workshop we will work on how to be relaxed and fast as well as to be balanced and slow.
Please bring thick socks as well as your dancing shoes.
It is not necessary to sign up with a partner. We are going to move alone and with changing partners, also changing roles in order to understand the movement better.
What students say about Bärbel Rücker
Feldenkrais Testimonials
You are never too old to learn
The unexpected benefits of Feldenkrais
When breathing becomes easier
Recovering from Trauma
Argentine Tango Testimonials
The music will be traditional and spans from 1920s up to 1950s.
Your DJ will be Bärbel Rücker on Saturday 1st December 2018.
- 6:00 to 7:30pm – Delicious dynamics – how to add flavours to you dance
with Tango teacher & Feldenkrais practitioner Bärbel Rücker - 7:30 to 8:00pm – short break
- 8:00 to 12:00am – Milonga with Tango DJ Bärbel Rücker
- Workshop £15
- Workshop + Milonga £20
- Milonga only £10
The Venue
St Andrews URC Sheffield, Upper Hanover St, S3 7RQ, Sheffield
Further Information
DJ Sets & Workshops @ Cambalache
Saturday 1st December 2018
- 6:00 to 7:30pm – Delicious dynamics – how to add flavours to you dance
with Tango teacher & Feldenkrais practitioner Bärbel Rücker - 7:30 to 8:00pm – short break
- 8:00 to 12:00am – Milonga with Tango DJ Bärbel Rücker
Saturday 7th April 2018
- 6:00 to 7:30pm
Workshop Dancing according to the Orchestras with Tango teacher Bärbel Rücker & Felipe Slimobich - 7:30 to 8:00pm – short break
- 8:00 to 12:00am
Milonga with Tango DJ Bärbel Rücker
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